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Business VoIP Solutions

In a highly globalized market, you need a versatile communications solution.

Still stuck in the traditional telephony system that cannot give you the competitive edge? Worried you might spend too much in getting a new phone system? CIC Networks can help you to take your phone system to the next level. Talk to us about getting enterprise level Business VoIP without the ridiculous ‘big business’ price tag. Business VoIP solutions from CIC Networks allow small and medium-sized businesses to have a cutting-edge phone system without the investment in hardware and maintenance.

[message type=”custom” width=”100%” start_color=”#343A41″ end_color=”#343A41″ border=”#3D6E97″ color=”#ffffff”]A Cloud-based VoIP phone system lets employees work from their home, a hotel or on their cell phone while still being connected to the same office phone system. Just like a Fortune 500 phone system, you can transfer callers, put them on hold with music, set up conference calls or have the phone answered by an automated attendant who can direct callers to different departments.[/message][divider]

Benefits of using CIC Networks as your cloud telephone/VOIP provider:

[divider][udesign_icon_font name=”fa fa-angle-double-right” color=”#375E97″]  Time saver – Our cloud based VOIP/Telephone service requires no complex in-house infrastructure, all you need is a broadband internet connection and you can easily join offices together allowing your home and remote users to operate effectively from anywhere in the world.

[udesign_icon_font name=”fa fa-angle-double-right” color=”#375E97″]  Cost effective – you never have to worry about upgrading and servicing any hardware or software. You have access to many features you would not have on a conventional phone system without spending a lot of money (such as call forwarding, On Hold music, conference calls, and so much more).

[udesign_icon_font name=”fa fa-angle-double-right” color=”#375E97″]  Flexible and ready for growth – A cloud based VOIP solution means your business can be ready for what is next without hassle.

Not having a fixed PBX/Telephone solution means that your phone system can easily come with you as you outgrown your current office. New lines and numbers can be provisioned rapidly as and when required giving you flexibility and scale-ability. Allow our cloud based phone system to work for your business no matter its size, from 1 to 10,000 people we have you covered.

[custom_button text=”PBX Features” title=”PBX Features” url=”https://cicnetworks.com/pbx-features/” size=”large” bg_color=”#375E97″ text_color=”#FFFFFF” align=”left” target=”_self”]

[custom_button text=”Phone Numbers” title=”Phone Numbers” url=”https://cicnetworks.com/phone-numbers/” size=”large” bg_color=”#375E97″ text_color=”#FFFFFF” align=”right” target=”_self”]


[message type=”success”]  Don’t miss an important phone call ever again[/message]

100% Satisfaction Guarantee


If, for any reason, you don't like our service, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase of our services. If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and they'll help you out until you get the results you need.

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